Hero Vexana

Vexana (Mage)
Hero Skill !
Deathly Grasp

Vexana unleashes a (Deathly Grasp) in the target direction, dealing 200( +60% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in its path. The projectile stops upon hitting an enemy hero, terrifying them and knocking them back, then it explodes, dealing 200( +60% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies and terrifying them for 1s.
As much as possible, use this skill on enemy heroes only because you never know when will they attack you. This is also useful when an enemy hero is catching you, just use this skill and their movement speed will get very slow for a period of time making you and opportunity to ran away from them.
Cursed Blast

Vexana marks the target area with the power of the undead, striking it after a 0.8s delay and dealing 580( +165% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies hit.
This skill damages alot when placed and positioned carefully to hit an enemy hero. This skill very useful on clearing out minion wave. Just place this skill on the second minion (there are 3 minions in each wave right, place it on the middle.) In this way, this skill will hit all of the minions and will activate your passive. This skill deals a huge amount of magic damage. And is perfect for stealing lord, turtle, and jungle monsters when you placed and timed carefully. This skill can possibly one shot all of your enemies when you use it correctly, depending on the build of course.
Eternal Guard

Vexana summons an (Eternal Guard) at the target location, dealing 500( +60% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies hit and knocking them airborne for 0.8s. The (Eternal Guard) then joins Vexana in battle for 15s. Each of the Eternal Guard's attacks deals 225( +40% Total Magic Power) plus 5% of the target's Max HP as (Magic Damage) to enemies in a large area.
1st situation: When battling in a 1vs2 situation, use this skill on the damage dealer. (The one who deals a huge amount of damage) Damage dealers can be mages, assassins, and marksman. You have to put your skills prior to the damage dealer so that when they die, they can help you deal damage on the enemy hero.
2nd situation: In a 5v5 clash, I recommend to use this skill on tanks. Why? This decreases the regen of their health bar because this skill does magic damage over a period of time. Your 1st and 2nd skill can deal huge damage on other enemy heroes thats why I suggest to use this on tanks. Specially when your team does not have a tank, or your tank is not tanky. But, you can use this on damage dealers to so that you will do more damage. When used in tanks, this will benefit your team because you will have another tank.
Nether Touch

Vexana and the (Eternal Guard) inflict (Nether Curse) on enemies hit. The Curse lasts 5s and will cause the affected enemy to explode upon death, dealing 108-500( +60% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies (base damage scales with level).
This passive is very useful when clearing out minion wave as well as harrassing an enemy in lane. This passive will be used effectively when you use
"Nether Snare" in the middle of the minion wave. This will apply the passive on each minion and will eventually explode when the minion dies. The explosion covers a certain area that can damage the enemy health bar.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

You have to put priority on your second skill because it is the one that does major damage among all your skills. Max the first skill last because it is only used in engaging a fight or running away from your enemy. Then level up your ultimate whenever possible.
Vexana need alot of movement speed so that she can place her skill perfectly on a moving enemy hero. Sprint will help Vexana catch up on clash. This will also help her travel lanes in a short period of time. This can be used on chasing enemy heroes or running away from them.
Hero Gear !

Enchanted Talisman
Unique Passive - Mana Spring: Regenerates 15% Max Mana every 10s.

Arcane Boots

Genius Wand
Unique Passive - Magic: Dealing Magic Damage to enemy heroes will reduce their Magic Defense by 3-7 (scales with level) for 2s. Stacks up to 3 times.

Holy Crystal
Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Fleeting Time
Unique Passive - Timestream: Hero kills or assists reduce the Ultimate's current cooldown by 30%.

Blood Wings
Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.
Since Vexana is a mana efficient Hero, You won't need Boots of Tranquility. You must get Rapid Boots because you have to move fast so that you can chase your enemies or run away from them. This also helps you to roam around the map fast. Enchanted Talisman is a mana regen item. It boosts your mana regen over time so that you may not ran out of mana quickly. Next is Blood Wings, the item that gives you the most Magic Power. This will help you deal burst damage.
Item Counters !
He is one of the best clash initiators in the game. He has hard crowd control and take enemies wherever direction he wants.
Odette Counters
Odette's ultimate takes time to deal more damage. But with Vexana's Charmed Scepter, her ultimate can be cancelled quickly. In this way, Odette is now useless and will rely on her abilities.
Lancelot Countered by
Lancelot has a very high mobility. With its skills and his ultimate, Lancelot can quickly dash over the enemy or run away from them. In this way, Lancelot counters Vexana because his skills deal alot of damage in just a single skill. Lancelot's Thorned R