Hero Lancelot

Lancelot (Assassin)
Hero Skill !

Lancelot charges in the target direction, dealing 100( +50% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies along the way and applying a (Sword Mark) to the first unmarked enemy hit. The (Sword Mark) lasts 5s. If Lancelot successfully applies a (Sword Mark) to an enemy, the cooldown of this skill will reset.
In Combat make sure you hit the target so you can use it twice, Maybe 3 time's Combo if you killed the target what ever it was,
Works On Enemies & Minions aswell
Thorned Rose

Lancelot strikes in the target direction 3 times, each time dealing 170( +130% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies hit (damage is reduced when multiple enemies are hit). He's untargetable and invincible during this process. Enemies in the center of the area take all the 3 hits and are slowed by 20% for 0.5s. The slow effect can stack.
Throned Rose is the Best Ability for Lancelot in dealing damage to the nearby enemies if positioned well , and While the team is Engaging you Better turn your focusing mode on and try to position it very well in the centre of the fight area, you go use it first then you hit the Ulti real quick .. We will get to that ''Ultimate''part in less than a minute,
Also We can use Throned Rose to farm minion's real quick and the Jungle monster's in earlier game it's very Powerfull especially when we buy the ''Hunter's knife'' to increase the damage to the jungle monsters ,so there is No need to use.
Phantom Execution

After a short delay, Lancelot performs an executioner's strike in the target direction, dealing 350( +170% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies hit. He is invincible throughout the process.
Has a very short stun but could be quite effective with proper timing
-Has Immunity while skill is charging, can be a great counter attack!
-Can also be used be used for escaping, engaging enemies.
Soul Cutter

Each time Lancelot charges, his damage is increased by 7.5% for 4s, up to 30%.
While engaging Solo or with the teammates.First Hit the second ability to make damage then the first ability to make some combos and to distract the enemy, then finish him with the Ultimate if he still alive then hit the second ability again.
Item Build !


Battle First

Retribution is very useful when you are Jungling/Farming. but not in Lancelot's case once you hit the first minions wave you'll add the second abilty then go hit the jungle all by yourself, and The Retribution battleground spell can be upgraded through purchasing different Jungle Items.
At early game add the second ability first , so you can farm minions as fast as you can, and its very useful in dealing extra more damage at any enemy that tries to dive with his teamates at first remember to max the 2nd ability to reduce its cooldown and mana consume , then add the first ability followed by the Third ability at Lv4.
Hero Gear !

Blade of the Heptaseas
Unique Passive - Ambush: If no damage is taken or dealt within 5s (excluding from Minions or Creeps), the next Basic Attack will deal an additional 160 <1025 0.4> Physical Damage and slow the target by 40% for 1.5s.

Ice Hunter's Magic Boots
Unique Passive - Hunter: After dealing damage to a Creep, deal 25<2|lv 3> + <1005 0.01> True Damage to the target over 3s (damage is increased by 100% for non-Marksmen heroes).

Endless Battle
Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 60% Physical Attack as extra True Damage (1.5s cooldown).

Blade of Despair
Unique Passive - Despair: Dealing damage to non-Minion enemies below 50% HP increases Physical Attack by 25% for 2s (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

Hunter Strike
Unique Passive - Retribution: Dealing damage to the same enemy hero or creep 5 times in a row grants 50% extra Movement Speed that decays over 3s (8s cooldown).

Queen's Wings
Unique Passive - Demonize: When HP drops below 40%, gains 20% Damage Reduction and 35% extra Spell Vamp for 5s (60s cooldown).
Add items as listed, Bloodlust Axe for making damage and stealing health, Magic shoes to increase the hero moving speed and reduce the cool down, until you gain some gold and add the others as followed.
Item Counters !
Mages has a high damage capacity for a short period of time. This will help Lancelot to instantly kill the enemy using his Ultimate.
Layla Counters
Marksman has a low amount of HP, during late game Lancelot can instantly kill.
Natalia Countered by
Natalia has a skill that can silence you (unable to use skill). This will help to kill Lancelot before Lancelot can use his skills and additional to that Natalia can be Invinsible everytime she goes to bushes.