Hero Natalia

Natalia (Assassin)
Hero Skill !
Claw Dash

Natalia dashes in the target direction, dealing 250( +50% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in her path. After hitting an enemy, she can cast this skill again within 5s.
Claw Dash is a very easy skill to use. Natalia attacks ahead and causes damage, Natalia can also attack twice if the first attack hitting on a Hero. Thus, this skill is very useful for Natalia as additional mobility that can be used to chase opponents who run away and also to escape if the situation gets worse.
Smoke Bomb

Natalia releases a (Smoke Bomb) at her location, slowing enemies within by 25% while Natalia becomes immune to enemy Basic Attacks for 4s.
Smoke Bomb is a special skill that will give her the Immune effect on all Basic Attack, which is certainly very effective especially against Marksman. Aside from being immune to Basic Attack, Natalia will also receive damage that is lower from Tower's attack, giving Natalia an additional strategy to crash into the Tower if needed.
The Hunt

(Passive): Natalia gains 15% extra Crit Chance. (Active): Natalia immediately enters (Assassin Instinct) state. Natalia can store up to 2 charges of her Ultimate and each charge has a recharge time of 30s. Creep kills will reduce the current remaining recharge time by 50% of the full recharge time.
Natalia's Ultimate Skill is an Attack with a distance that is slightly larger than the Melee Range that attacks the opponent several times and slows down their Movement Speed. Among all Assassins, Natalia's Ultimate Skill is the weakest and is not a skill that can reverse the situation of the match, unlike Saber, Hayabusa, etc. However, this skill is still useful to slow down opponents who try to escape so that teammates can catch up with them.
Assassin Instinct

If Natalia stays in a bush without taking damage for 1s, she will enter (Camouflage) state and gain 15% Movement Speed. In this state, Natalia's next Basic Attack will teleport her behind her target and deal 200( +110% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) while silencing the target for 0.25s. Dealing damage, taking damage or using skills will immediately end the (Camouflage) state, but her next Basic Attack will remain enhanced for another 1s. Natalia's base Crit Damage is reduced to 150%, but her damage to Creeps is increased to 150%.
Natalia's passive skill is the most powerful of all Hero Passive Skills in the Game, especially her ability to disappear and giving the Silence effect. Use the passive skill as often as possible to provide additional damage by attacking your opponent from behind and giving the Silence effect for 2 seconds. Finally, remember to always move places. Use additional speed and disappearance to put pressure on opponents in each Lane.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

Although Claw Dash and Natalia's Ultimate Skill did not give a massive damage as much as the other Assassins (because Natalia relies more on Basic Attack), don't underestimate the Damage of these 2 Skills, because these two Skills are very good at securing opponents who want to escape.
To make it easier for Jungling and also taking the opponent's Jungle Monster, to prevent opponents from Jungling. Using Retribution when Stealth will not eliminate your Invisibility, which is why this is a very good way to get a Jungle Monster.
Hero Gear !

Blade of the Heptaseas
Unique Passive - Ambush: If no damage is taken or dealt within 5s (excluding from Minions or Creeps), the next Basic Attack will deal an additional 160 <1025 0.4> Physical Damage and slow the target by 40% for 1.5s.

Ice Hunter's Rapid Boots
Unique Passive - Side Effect: Loses 25 Movement Speed for 5s upon dealing or taking damage.

Endless Battle
Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 60% Physical Attack as extra True Damage (1.5s cooldown).

Hunter Strike
Unique Passive - Retribution: Dealing damage to the same enemy hero or creep 5 times in a row grants 50% extra Movement Speed that decays over 3s (8s cooldown).

Blade of Despair
Unique Passive - Despair: Dealing damage to non-Minion enemies below 50% HP increases Physical Attack by 25% for 2s (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

Unique Passive - Typhoon: Every 5-2s (reduced by 0.2s for each Basic Attack), the next Basic Attack will hit up to 3 enemy units for 150-362 Magic Damage. (This attack can Crit and the damage increases to 200% against Minions.)
To increase physical damage during Jungling. More importantly, with the HP Regen that was obtained after killing Jungle Monster, it would make Natalia able to survive in the Lane and reduce Recall recurrence back into the Base.
Item Counters !
Saber and Chou can cause a Stun effect on the target or Cyclops which can lock the target to stay in position, then continue with Silencing for 2 seconds from Natalia, resulting in a deadly combo to hunt down opponents who don't suspect our presence.
Clint Counters
Generally, Marksman is Natalia's main food, except for Miya who has the Ultimate Skill which works like Purify to neutralize the effects of Silence from Natalia. Likewise with Irithel who has an AoE Skill and a Basic Attack that will become AoE when the U
Yi Sun-shin Countered by
Yi Sun-Shin's Ultimate Skill can notify Natalia’s whereabouts, not only eliminating her Invisibility at crucial times in Team Fight, but also continuously informing her teammates about Natalia's presence, so that the entire team gets information about the