Hero Odette

Odette (Mage)
Hero Skill !
Avian Authority

Odette releases a magic swan in the target direction, dealing 300( +150% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies hit and slowing them by 30% for 2s.
Focusing energy to summon a swan that attack enemies, deals magic damage and reduce their movement speed.
Blue Nova

Odette releases a set of magic energy balls in the target direction, dealing 250( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to the first enemy hit and immobilizing them for 1.5s. After hitting an enemy, another energy ball will split off and attack a nearby enemy (prioritizes enemy heroes), dealing them 250( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) and immobilizing them for 1.5s.
Shoots a Magic Energy Ball forward, deals magic damage to the enemy and Immobilize them. After the ball reaches between the maximum distance or the target, two additional Energy Balls will attack sideways, deals magic damage and bind the affected enemy.
Calculating the distance of a Skill attack will make you attack enemies better.
Attack enemies with separate Energy Balls.
Swan Song

Odette begins to dance, gaining a 1400( +150% Total Magic Power) shield while dealing up to 2400( +900% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in a large area around her for 5s. The bounce speed and frequency of (Lakeshore Ambience)'s sound wave in the area are also enhanced when the skill is active. Use again while the skill is active to dash in the target direction. [C8The skill is a channeling cast and will be interrupted if Odette is hit by high level control effects (knocked airborne, transformed, etc.) or if she performs another action.]
Utilize the damage reduction effect received to place yourself in the right area to be able to produce maximum damage during the Ultimate.
Use Flicker to surprise the enemy.
Lakeshore Ambience

Each skill cast grants extra range on Odette's next Basic Attack within 8s and causes it to bounce between enemies (or an enemy and herself if only one enemy is in range), dealing 144-200( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) per hit. Odette's skills will also trigger this effect when hitting an enemy. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Because passive skills can be processed through ordinary skills, it is good to use when enemies are in close position to each other to be more effective.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

Maximize the Level of Odette’s 2nd Skill because Cooldown time will decrease every time the Level increases and this is important because 2nd Skill is your Crowd Controlling Skill.
Flicker - Odette does not have a high mobility skills so Flicker is certainly the best and most versatile spell to have. Note that you can also use Flicker when using Ultimate Skill to change your position!
Hero Gear !

Clock of Destiny
Unique Passive - Time: Gains 20 extra Max HP and 4 extra Magic Power every 20s, capped at 15 stacks.

Arcane Boots

Glowing Wand
Unique Passive - Scorch: Burn targets for 3s, dealing Magic Damage equal to 1.5% of the target's Max HP per second.

Holy Crystal
Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Divine Glaive
Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.

Blood Wings
Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.
Considering about Odette’s Build, there are always 4 items that are the best to have, namely Magic Shoes, Enchanted Talisman, Concentrated Energy and Lightning Truncheon. The order to buy it can also vary (the important thing is to make sure you buy Magic Shoes as the first or second item) according to the situation. The remaining two last items are very flexible, there are a number of good choices you can use: Athena's Shield, Ice Queen Wand, Glowing Wand, Blood Wings, Devil Tears.
Item Counters !
Thanks to Grock’s wall, it can stop opponents from escaping from your Ultimate Skill.
Cyclops Counters
Odette can't actually counter opponents, but she can fight a Hero who doesn't have Stun Skills and without high mobility.
Aurora Countered by
Aurora can stop your Ultimate Skill remotely using its freezing Ultimate.