Hero Grock

Grock (Tank)
Hero Skill !
Power of Nature

Grock charges his weapon with the (Power of Nature) and then launches a powerful sweep, dealing 300( +160% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 40% for 2s. Damage dealt will increase the longer the skill is channeled, up to 250%. Using (Power of Nature) near a wall will grant Control Immunity.
Charging his first skill will deal a lot of damage to enemies. The more time of charging, the more damage it will dealt. Use this on waves of minion for fasterclearing of lane.Charge his first skill when enemies are trying to disable you (stun,hold,morph,slow,knockback airborne) to be Immune from Crowd Control (CC) spells.
Guardian's Barrier

Grock conjures a stone wall at the target location, dealing 300( +50% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to nearby enemies. The stone wall lasts 5s and can block enemies who try to pass through.
Using this ability to block enemies from destroying turrets and to prevent themfrom escaping when low health.
Wild Charge

Grock charges in the target direction, dealing 360( +75% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in his path and knocking them airborne. If he hits a wall or turret during the charge, he deals an additional 360( +90% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to nearby enemies and stuns them for 1.8s.
Charging forward onto enemies will knock the enemies airborne on path. This will help you when chasing enemies. Also Try hitting the wall behind an enemy to utilize the extra damage.
Earthen Force

When near a wall or turret, Grock gains 10% Movement Speed, 15 (+8*Hero Level) Physical Defense, and 18 (+4.8*Hero Level) HP Regen. Each point of Grock's extra Physical Attack increases his Physical Defense by 0.5.
Try staying near a turret when roaming in lanes or escaping, using of his passive wisely will help you tank extra incoming damage from enemies.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

The reason why you max-out Power of Nature first over Guardian's Barrier is because Power of Nature does more damage than Guardian's Barrier, aside from that Power of Nature provides you immunity to certain crowd control when you pair it with Ancestral Gift.
Petrify is used to synergize with Power of Nature and Wild Charge. You charge up your Power of Nature then Petrify to hold them in place or use it after intiating with Wild Charge.
Hero Gear !

Dominance Ice
Unique Passive - Arctic Cold: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemy heroes to 70% of normal.

Tough Boots - Encourage
Unique Passive - Passive - Encourage: Success

Athena's Shield
Unique Passive - Shield: Upon taking Magic Damage, gains 25% Magic Damage Reduction for 3s (applied before taking damage). Regains this effect 5s after leaving combat.

Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).

Antique Cuirass
Unique Passive - Deter: When hit by a skill, reduces the attacker's Physical Damage by 4% for 2s (this effect stacks up to 3 times).

Radiant Armor
Unique Passive - Holy Blessing: Taking Magic Damage grants 6-20 Magic Defense (scales with level) for 5s, up to 6 stacks (1 stack only every 0.6s).
This Equipment set provides HP Regen,Movement speed, Hitpoints and Armor. This is my personal build when using Grock. And most Global Grock users have similar item build. Boots of Tranquility is the most important early game item to have because it provides HP and Mana regenthe helps him survive in the lane without teleporting back home. Followed by Ghost of Statue which provides HP, HP Regen and 5%CDR. Item’s passive helps Grock to roam in lanes and escaping battles. Then Athena’s Shield which makes him tanky and go against burst attack Mages. It provides a shield which can withstand magic damage. Cursed Helmet helps him to deal extra damage to enemies while chasing them and provides 50% damage to minion which helps him to clear minion wave faster. Followed by Immortality and Heart of Steel for extra armor and HP.
Item Counters !
Togther they are a lane you do not want to deal with, Grock's Guardian Barrier helps fanny dive towers and be a nuisance in the early game.
Odette Counters
Odette's ulitmate can be canceled my Grock's Wild Charge leaving Odette dead.
Akai Countered by
He is a Hard counter to Grock due to his ultimate that makes Grock immobile, and useless in a team fight.