# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Nana !



Nana (Mage)

Durability: 100%
Offense: 60%
Ability Effects: 50%
Difficulty: 10%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Magic Boomerang

Magic Boomerang

Nana hurls her Magic Boomerang in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies hit on its way out and back. The boomerang deals 320( +100% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to the first enemy hit. For every additional enemy hit, the damage is reduced by 20% (max reduction of 60%).

Your long range poking skill.This skill will be your main damaging skill in laning phase, try to aim and hit all targets.

Molina Smooch

Molina Smooch

Nana throws Molina at the target location, dealing 250( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies within range and (Transforming) enemy heroes hit into small animals. If Molina does not hit an enemy hero, she will remain on the ground and chase the nearest enemy hero that comes into range, (Transforming) the first enemy hero she touches. (Transform): Reduces the target's Movement Speed by 30% and Magic Defense by 25% for 1.5s. Transformed heroes cannot attack or use skills.

Your main harassing kit.One of the longest disable. However you’ll need a teammate to deal enough damage to kill someone.

Molina Blitz

Molina Blitz

Nana summons Molina to strike the target area 3 times, each time dealing 440( +160% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies within and slowing them by 50% for 1s. Enemies hit consecutively will be stunned for 1s.

Try to pop this during a teamfight to disable as many enemies as possible.Practice makes perfect, get down the timing of your ult and try to match you “2” with your “3” to increase the chances of it hitting.

Molina's Gift

Molina's Gift

Upon taking fatal damage, Nana removes all debuffs on her and transforms, becoming untargetable and invincible, and gains 30% Movement Speed for 2s. She also recovers 10% Max HP over the duration. Nana can only transform once every 150s and cannot cast skills in the transformed form.

If you guys follow the 1-1-3/3-1-1 Lane formation, Nana would fit in the lane with 3 people, to maximise the gold drop.

# Build

Item Build !

Battle First
Battle Second

Max “2” first, for more sustain damage.
Flicker a little bit more useful on Nana, as you’ll need to escape if you get caught somehow, since you don’t exactly have a running skill.

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Enchanted Talisman
Enchanted Talisman


Unique Passive - Mana Spring: Regenerates 15% Max Mana every 10s.

Magic Boots
Magic Boots


Genius Wand
Genius Wand


Unique Passive - Magic: Dealing Magic Damage to enemy heroes will reduce their Magic Defense by 3-7 (scales with level) for 2s. Stacks up to 3 times.

Holy Crystal
Holy Crystal


Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Divine Glaive
Divine Glaive


Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.

Blood Wings
Blood Wings


Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.

Item 1 ~ 3 will be your core item, while item 4 ~ 6 are all swappable, if you like to have more AP, opt for higher AP items like BloodWings, or Holy Crystal, if you find that you don’t require much AP but more debuffs go for the Truncheons.

# Counters

Item Counters !


Mages like Aurora, Due to her High damage kit, pairing her up with Nana would allow her to easily land her skills and making those 2 a pretty annoying combo to lane against.

Fanny Counters

With so many Fanny roaming around, your “2” would come in handy in disabling her

Natalia Countered by

The Silence and her damage could shred you before you can even do anything.