Hero Argus

Argus (Fighter)
Hero Skill !
Demonic Grip

Argus stretches out a demonic hand in the target direction, dealing 125( +60% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to the first enemy hero or Creep hit, stunning them for 0.7s, and pulling him and the target towards each other. If no enemy is hit, Argus pulls himself toward the hand's destination instead. (Use Again): Argus dashes and strikes in the target direction, dealing 175( +100% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies along the path.
-This skill is needs to be usedwell since it greatly helps Argus’ mobility in the battlefield.
-Can be used to catch enemyheroes since it inflicts stun and propels Argus towards the enemy hero.
-The second activation of thisskill can help you position yourself on your enemy and deal additional damage.
-The grapple goes throughterrains, which gives you better a chance of a successful pursuit or retreat.But, if your final travel point is a terrain, you won’t get through the terrainand just bump into it.
Meteoric Sword

After a short delay, Argus thrusts his Meteoric Sword in the target direction, dealing 300( +100% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies hit (200% damage against minions) and reducing their Movement Speed by 80% for 0.8s. The delay time will decrease as Argus' Attack Speed increases. Enemy heroes or Creeps hit will be (Cursed) for 4s, during which they will leave a Cursed Trail behind. Argus gains 40% Movement Speed while on a Cursed Trail. Argus' Basic Attacks on (Cursed) targets will grant double (Malice Energy). (Meteoric Sword) damage counts as Basic Attack damage and can trigger Attack Effects.
-This skill greatly helps Argus’early game damage and can enhance the whole team’s mobility.
-Can be used to quickly killminions and creeps. For best effect in lanes, hit the minions in a straightline.
-The skill’s actual AOE and rangeis bigger than you think it is.
-It also slows heroes down.
Eternal Evil

Argus removes all debuffs on himself (except for Suppression) and enters (Eternal Evil) state, gaining (Death Immunity) for 4s. While in this state, 100% of his damage dealt to enemy heroes will be converted into HP for him once the state ends. Leaving the (Eternal Evil) state also resets enemy Turrets' damage increase against Argus.] (Passive:) Permanently increases the recharge of (Malice Energy) by 4 (per second).
-This skill is what makes Argusspecial since it gives 5 seconds of death immunity, full rage bar (Instantdouble attack) and will convert 100% of damage done while the skill is active, intoHP after 5 secs.
-Can be used even when stunned,transformed, silenced, airborne or while being pushed/pulled. But, it can’t beused while the other skills are in use.
-Can turn the tide of a clashwhen used properly.

When Argus' Meteoric Sword reaches 100 (Malice Energy), he will launch a (Demonic Slash) with his next Basic Attack, dealing 200( +100% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) and recovering 200( +10% Total Physical Attack) HP. This attack ignores 40% of the target's Physical Defense. Argus' Meteoric Sword gains 5 (Malice Energy) per second, and each of his Basic Attacks grants 10 (Malice Energy) (critical strikes grant an additional 5 energy).
-This skill is what helps Argusto be overpowered, especially when low in health.
-Gives extra burst of damage.
-The more HP that are missing,the faster the rage bar gets filled.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

Level 1 - The best one to take is Argus’ 2nd skill –Meteoric Sword. Since you will need it for burst damage against minions andmonsters at early. Don’t worry about survivability, since you will level up inno time and be able to get his 1st skill – Demonic Grip for mobility.
-This can greatly help you to farm early andfaster.
-You can steal enemy ‘s jungle monsters moreeffectively.
-When upgraded with a jungling item, it can be ahandy slow-inducing skill.
Hero Gear !

Demon Hunter Sword
Unique Passive - Devour: Basic Attacks deal 8% of the target's current HP as extra Physical Damage (capped at 60 against minions).

Swift Boots

Corrosion Scythe
Unique Passive - Corrosion: Basic Attacks gain 80 extra Physical Damage and slow the target by 8% (halved for ranged Basic Attacks) for 1.5s. Stacks up to 5 times.

Berserker's Fury
Unique Passive - Doom: Critical strikes grant 5% extra Physical Attack for 2s.

Great Dragon Spear
Unique Passive - Supreme Warrior: After casting an Ultimate, increase Movement Speed by 15% for 7.5s. This effect has a 15s cooldown.

Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).
Mulai dengan Raptor Machete untuk membantu membersihkan Jungle, pada saat Midgame dapatkan 3 Item Attack Speed untuk membiarkan Warmonger dan Passive Demon Hunter Sword's Devour untuk meningkatkan Damage keseluruhan. Item keempat sekali lagi adalah Hunters Strike untuk kekuatan tambahan yang melekat, terakhir dapatkan Blade of Despair. Build ini membuat perkembangan cepat untuk Late Game Fighter.
Item Counters !
-Ranged and can keepyou from being harassed.
-Can Harass back.
-Has decentmagic damage.
-You both haveslow-inducing and stun-inflicting skills, so when skills are used properly, youboth can easily kill enemies or protect yourselves.
Odette Counters
Argus can easily catch Odette with his skills.
-Argus is able to cancel Odette’s Ultimate withhis 1st skill, since it has a stun.
-Argus’ ultimate can let Argus dive into Odette’sultimate without dying and can kill Odette at the same time.
Akai Countered by
Akai’s ultimatecan disable Argus during the whole duration of Argus’ ultimate.
-Akai’s ultimatecan stop Argus from being able to get near or attack.