# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Zilong !



Zilong (Fighter)

Durability: 60%
Offense: 50%
Ability Effects: 20%
Difficulty: 10%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Spear Flip

Spear Flip

Zilong flings the target enemy over his head, dealing 250( +80% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage).

Early laning phase, wait for enemy soldiers to push to tower, and when soldiers are gone, try to hook enemy into tower

Spear Strike

Spear Strike

Zilong lunges at the target enemy, dealing 250( +60% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) and reducing their Physical Defense by 15 for 2s. He then launches a Basic Attack on the same target. The cooldown of (Spear Strike) is reset each time Zilong kills an enemy.

Use with 1st skill, otherwise can be used to jump walls for escape, such as using enemy jungle minions.

Supreme Warrior

Supreme Warrior

Zilong removes all slow effects on himself and gains 40% Movement Speed, 45% Attack Speed, and Slow Immunity for 7.5s. For the duration, he can trigger (Dragon Flurry) after every 2 Basic Attacks (instead of the previous 3).

Can be used to chase enemies or to run away. Can be used on cast to remove crowd control.

Dragon Flurry

Dragon Flurry

After every 3 Basic Attacks, Zilong triggers (Dragon Flurry) on the next Basic Attack, hitting the target 3 times. Each hit deals 30( +40% Total Physical Attack) Basic Attack damage and heals himself for 30( +20% Total Physical Attack) HP.

During early laning phase, attack enemy minions to trigger his passive ability that allows him to attack the hero behind minions

# Build

Item Build !

Battle First
Battle Second

Max S2, then S1, if ultimate is available then level it up
Retribution - For more efficient jungling and faster leveling

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Corrosion Scythe
Corrosion Scythe


Unique Passive - Corrosion: Basic Attacks gain 80 extra Physical Damage and slow the target by 8% (halved for ranged Basic Attacks) for 1.5s. Stacks up to 5 times.

Swift Boots
Swift Boots


Demon Hunter Sword
Demon Hunter Sword


Unique Passive - Devour: Basic Attacks deal 8% of the target's current HP as extra Physical Damage (capped at 60 against minions).

Golden Staff
Golden Staff


Unique Passive - Swift: Every 1% extra Crit Chance gained is converted into 1% extra Attack Speed.

Blade of Despair
Blade of Despair


Unique Passive - Despair: Dealing damage to non-Minion enemies below 50% HP increases Physical Attack by 25% for 2s (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

Malefic Roar
Malefic Roar


Unique Passive - Armor Buster: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.125% extra Physical Penetration for each point of the enemy's Physical Defense, capped at 40%.

This set has amazing CD recovery times. Allows Zilong to use his ultimate more frequently. Also has a high potential in assisting teammates more. Dominance Ice for physical defence and Magic Blade for magical defence, along with a shield effect. Can run with ease or turn on enemy with ease.

# Counters

Item Counters !


Zilong’s first skill can flip enemies back to Eudora, allowing Eudora to release her full damage potential.

Yi Sun-shin Counters

Heroes without displacement skills are very vulnerable to Zilong’s skillset.

Alucard Countered by

It’s very hard for Zilong to beat these heroes in 1v1 battles.