Hero Silvanna

Silvanna (Fighter)
Hero Skill !
Cometic Lance

Silvanna dashes forward. Upon reaching the max range or hitting a non-Minion enemy, she swings her lance, dealing 250( +100% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies and stunning them for 1s.
Use this Skill properly to gain an extra attack speed to adjust the position and launch attack. Activate “Cometic Spear” again to attack or escape from the battlefield, depending on the actual situation.
Spiral Strangling

Silvanna thrusts her lance in the target direction and spins it 6 times while gaining a 350( +150% Total Magic Power) shield. Each spin deals 165( +45% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) and slightly pulls targets toward the center. Silvanna spins 1 additional time for every 50% of extra Attack Speed she possesses. The skill deals only 50% damage against Minions. (Spiral Strangling) counts as a Basic Attack but cannot Crit.
This is Silvanna’s core damage dealing skill. It could stack the marks of the target to the limit within a short time. With her second skill, when Silvanna obtains extra attack speed, she could spin her lance once more. Therefore, she could deal more damage when she combines Spiral Strangling with Imperial Ultimate
Imperial Justice

Silvanna leaps to the target location and creates a Circle of Light upon landing, dealing 350( +110% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in the area, slowing them by 40% for 1.5s, and restraining the closest enemy hero to the area for 3.5s. (This skill cannot be interrupted.) Silvanna gains 100% Attack Speed and 40% Lifesteal when in the Circle.
After acquiring the Ultimate, Silvanna possesses great ability to gank enemies all by herself. Combined with her other skills, she could slay enemies at ease. Please use this skill discreetly in team fights. Although she could obtain extra attack speed and Magic Lifesteal within the Circle of Light, she could be slain easily when she is attacked by a bunch of enemies.
Knightess' Resolve

Silvanna's Basic Attacks deal 25( +45% Total Physical Attack) (+75% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage). Silvanna's attacks apply a mark on enemy heroes for 5s on hit, each mark reducing their Physical & Magic Defense by 3-6 (up to 5 stacks). Silvanna deals 30% extra damage to enemy heroes with the max number of marks.
When utilizing the 2nd Skill, try to stack the marks of the target to the limit in order to deal massive damage.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

Mage Emblem Talent is recommended. (Flow - Catastrophe - Magic Worship)
This set of Emblem could greatly increase the damage Silvanna deals. Therefore, in Early and Mid Game, she could slay enemies with this combination of skills and gain the upper hand.
Hero Gear !

Feather of Heaven
Unique Passive - Affliction: Basic Attacks deal extra Magic Damage equal to 50 plus 30% of the hero's Magic Power.

Magic Boots

Concentrated Energy
Unique Passive - Recharge: Increases Magic Power by 5 after dealing Magic Damage (this effect stacks up to 6 times and can only gain 1 stack every 0.4s). When reaching full stacks, increases Magic Damage by 12% for 3s.

Unique Passive - Bless: Received Shield and HP Regen effects are increased by 30%.

Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).

Blood Wings
Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.
In the choice of equipment, we highly recommend this set. Silvanna, as a Fighter, could deal magic damage with her basic attack, while extra attack speed gained could boost the damage output of her core damage dealing skill, “Spiral Strangling”. Therefore, we highly recommend you to prioritize Feather of Heaven. It could help Silvanna deal high burst damage even when her Ultimate is not available. Then, Magic Shoes and Concentrated Energy are advised. As Silvanna will charge into the crowd when activating her Ultimate, she needs enough HP and Magic Lifesteal to guarantee her durability. Afterwards, you could choose Blood Wings to increase the damage her attack deals or Athena's Shield to improve her survivability according to the actual situation. Finally, use Immortality in team fights to increase her chances of survival.
Item Counters !
Tigreal, Ruby, Gatotkaca
Moskov Counters
Moskov, Claude, Kimmy
Valir Countered by
Eudora, Gusion, Valir