Clock of Destiny
Unique Passive - Time: Gains 20 extra Max HP and 4 extra Magic Power every 20s, capped at 15 stacks.
Flame Hunter's Demon Boots
Unique Passive - Mysticism: Getting a kill or assist on an enemy Minion will restore 4% Mana. (An assist occurs when a Minion dies within 2s after taking damage from the hero.)
Lightning Truncheon
Unique Passive - Resonate: Every 6s, the next skill that deals damage will resonate, dealing Magic Damage equal to 120% Magic Power against up to 3 enemies and increasing Movement Speed by 30% that decays over 2s.
Starlium Scythe
Unique Passive - Crisis: Within 3s after casting a skill, the caster's next Basic Attack will deal additional True Damage equal to 100 plus 100% Magic Power and briefly grant 10% Movement Speed. This effect has a 1.5s cooldown.
Divine Glaive
Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.
Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).
Jungle& DPS: Due to her speciality, Selena is perfect for jungling, so Star Shard is a must-have. Also her MP-regenerating Buff means Arcane Boots can boost her DPS in mid-gaming. The 3rd equipment, Soul Scroll, is super cost-effective. If fortune favors her side, this equipment can also add more odds in her favor. The 4th equipment, Calamity Reaper, largely boosts her damage and works fine with her short CD skills and close range battles.The 5th and 6th, Lightning Truncheon and Holy Crystal further increases her damage. This build suits only advantageous early-gaming but drags the game when Selena is frequently targeted.