# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Roger !



Roger (Fighter)

Durability: 10%
Offense: 40%
Ability Effects: 60%
Difficulty: 50%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Use Full Bore at long ranges to slow and damage enemies.
Lycan Pounce can be used to dodge enemy skill effects,such as those skill effects yet to finish or take effect after a skill effect. For instance skills like Harley's Deadly Magic or Cyclop's Star Power Lockdown.

Open Fire

Open Fire

Roger fires two quick shots in the target direction, dealing 250( +125% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) in total to the enemy hit. The first shot is a hunter net that slows the enemy by 80% for 1.5s, while the second is a bullet that reduces the enemy's Physical Defense by 10 for 5s.

When chasing a wounded enemy, use Bloodthirsty Howl to increase your movement speed, the longer the speed increase, the better the effect.

Hunter's Steps

Hunter's Steps

Roger gains 20% Movement Speed and 20% Attack Speed for 2.5s.

Ultimate will automatically be available at level 1, in the early laning phase you can use all 4 available skills to aggressively skirmish in lane. You can also use skills to quickly gap close with enemies or escape. The ultimate can be used to go over walls.
Ultimate will automatically be available at level 1, in the early laning phase you can use all 4 available skills to aggressively skirmish in lane. You can also use skills to quickly gap close with enemies or escape. The ultimate can be used to go over walls.

Full Moon Curse

Full Moon Curse

Roger can freely switch between human and wolf forms. In human form, Roger's Basic Attack and skills deal additional damage equal to 5% of the target's current HP. In wolf form, Roger's Basic Attack and skills deal additional damage equal to 5% of the target's lost HP. This effect can only deal up to 60 additional damage against Creeps.

You can use the human form to kite enemies, and the wolf form to fight.

# Build

Item Build !

Battle First
Battle Second

Max 1, then 2, if ultimate is available then level it up
Roger's main damage source is from basic attacks, extra attack speed would be the optimal choice.

# Gear

Hero Gear !



Unique Passive - Typhoon: Every 5-2s (reduced by 0.2s for each Basic Attack), the next Basic Attack will hit up to 3 enemy units for 150-362 Magic Damage. (This attack can Crit and the damage increases to 200% against Minions.)

Ice Hunter's Swift Boots
Ice Hunter's Swift Boots


Unique Passive - Hunter: After dealing damage to a Creep, deal 25<2|lv 3> + <1005 0.01> True Damage to the target over 3s (damage is increased by 100% for non-Marksmen heroes).

Endless Battle
Endless Battle


Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 60% Physical Attack as extra True Damage (1.5s cooldown).

War Axe
War Axe


Unique Passive - Fighting Spirit: Dealing damage grants 12 extra Physical Attack and 2% extra Spell Vamp per second for 4s, up to 6 stacks. Deal 10% extra True Damage according to Base Damage at full stacks.####[C8This effect is reduced to 50% for Marksmen, Mages, and Supports.]

Brute Force Breastplate
Brute Force Breastplate


Unique Passive - Brute Force: Each second after dealing damage, gain 6 extra Physical Attack and Magic Power and 2% extra Movement Speed for 4s, up to 6 stacks. Gain 15% extra Control Duration Reduction at full stacks.

Blade of Despair
Blade of Despair


Unique Passive - Despair: Dealing damage to non-Minion enemies below 50% HP increases Physical Attack by 25% for 2s (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

Only buy up to Raptor Machete for jungling items, you can also sell it at end game for Immortality or Blade Armor. The second item to get is Haas's Claws and then when you are done with Swift Boots, focus on Scarlet Phantom for extra attack speed and substantial increases in passive effect. Afterwards get Berserker's Fury for that extra critical strike chance and damage, this item also syncs well with Scarlet Phantom so that on crit you will get increased attack speed, lastly get Magic Blade for survivability.

# Counters

Item Counters !


Roger deals high damage alone, and the control and acceleration skills of these teammates can help him deal even more.

Hayabusa Counters

If this kind of burst hero can’t take Roger down quickly, Roger’s fast attack speed and lifesteal can make short work of them.

Saber Countered by

Roger can be killed quite easily when under control effects.