# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Natan !



Natan (Marksman)

Durability: 20%
Offense: 60%
Ability Effects: 20%
Difficulty: 20%
# Skill

Hero Skill !



Natan shoots a dense mass of energy in the target direction, dealing 225( +100% Total Physical Attack) (+140% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in its path.



Natan launches a Gravitational Attractor in the target direction, dealing 150( +50% Total Physical Attack) (+70% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in its path and knocking them back. The Attractor detonates upon reaching the maximum range, dealing 30( +10% Total Physical Attack) (+14% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies and knocking them back.



Natan summons a (Reverse-Clone) at a target location 6 units away that lasts 10s, inherits 35% of his attack attributes (and a portion of Attack Effects), and will copy his moves and attacks in reverse. (Use Again): Natan switches places with the (Reverse-Clone). Each cast reduces other skills' remaining cooldowns by 50%. The (Reverse-Clone) will disappear if Natan is too far away, while the cooldown of this skill will be reduced by the remaining duration.

Theory of Everything

Theory of Everything

Natan gains a stack of (Entanglement) each time he or his (Reverse-Clone) hits an enemy with a skill (up to 6 stacks). Each stack lasts 5s and grants 7.5% Attack Speed and 7.5% Movement Speed. Natan's Basic Attack projectiles will return to Natan after reaching the maximum range, dealing an extra 30( +50% Total Physical Attack) (+70% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies along the way (inherits a portion of Attack Effects).

# Build

Item Build !

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Feather of Heaven
Feather of Heaven


Unique Passive - Affliction: Basic Attacks deal extra Magic Damage equal to 50 plus 30% of the hero's Magic Power.

Magic Boots
Magic Boots


Golden Staff
Golden Staff


Unique Passive - Swift: Every 1% extra Crit Chance gained is converted into 1% extra Attack Speed.

Holy Crystal
Holy Crystal


Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Concentrated Energy
Concentrated Energy


Unique Passive - Recharge: Increases Magic Power by 5 after dealing Magic Damage (this effect stacks up to 6 times and can only gain 1 stack every 0.4s). When reaching full stacks, increases Magic Damage by 12% for 3s.

Divine Glaive
Divine Glaive


Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.

# Counters

Item Counters !