Hero Minsitthar

Minsitthar (Fighter)
Hero Skill !
Spear of Glory

Minsitthar thrusts forward with the Spear of Glory, dealing 175( +200% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) and slowing enemies hit by 30%. Enemy heroes hit by the tip of the spear will be stunned for 0.6s. After a short delay, Minsitthar pulls back the spear, dealing 175( +200% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to all enemies along the way and dragging enemy heroes hit to him.
Try to better use this skill and pull back the back-line heroes who are easy to slay even when they're hiding behind the tanks.
Shield Assault

Minsitthar awakens the power in his shield and releases it, dealing 300( +180% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to all enemies in a rectangular area and slowing them by 80% (decaying rapidly over 2s). Meanwhile, he enters (Phalanx) state for 3s, reducing damage taken from the front by 25% and enhancing his Basic Attack to swiftly strike an area in front of him.
The range of this skill is not too wide so better use it together with his 1st Skill, and by doing so the hit rate will be increased.
King's Calling

Minsitthar charges forward and calls 4 Royal Guards to form a field around him. The Royal Guards cannot move but will attack enemies in the field and deal ( +40% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to them. Enemies in the field are slowed by 20% and cannot use movement skills.
Use the Ult directly when a teamfight with fewer than 3 players occurs. When facing more enemies, use "Spear of Glory" first and fast slay an ememy hero to increase the chances of winning the teamfight.
Mark of the King

Minsitthar's Basic Attacks and skills apply a stack of (Mark of the King), up to 5 stacks. Upon reaching max stacks, the next attack detonates all (Mark of the King) stacks, dealing (Physical Damage) equal to 300( +6% Total HP) of Minsitthar's Max HP and stunning the target for 0.8s while healing Minsitthar for 300( +6% Total HP) HP. Can only trigger once every 6s on the same target.
With this passive, Minsithar can perform more ganks with his teammates without the worry of his farming falling behind.
Item Build !


Battle First

Battle Second

Build 1st Skill to the most and then 2nd Skill. Build Ult when possible.
Hero Gear !

Demon Hunter Sword
Unique Passive - Devour: Basic Attacks deal 8% of the target's current HP as extra Physical Damage (capped at 60 against minions).

Tough Boots
Unique Passive - Fortitude: CC and Slow Duration reduced by 30%

Corrosion Scythe
Unique Passive - Corrosion: Basic Attacks gain 80 extra Physical Damage and slow the target by 8% (halved for ranged Basic Attacks) for 1.5s. Stacks up to 5 times.

Thunder Belt
Unique Passive - Thunderbolt: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 50 plus 5% of the hero's extra HP as extra True Damage to the target and enemies around them and slows them by 40%-80% (scales with the hero's extra HP) for 1s (1.5s cooldown).

Athena's Shield
Unique Passive - Shield: Upon taking Magic Damage, gains 25% Magic Damage Reduction for 3s (applied before taking damage). Regains this effect 5s after leaving combat.

Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).
Minsitthar's ultimate will expose him to the enemies so being more tanky is highly recommended. Bloodlust Axe, Warrior Boots, Endless Battle and Thunder Belt all increase the damage of his 1st and 2nd skills as well as his survivability. For the 5th item, we recommend Blade of Despair which ensures Minsitthar to have a strong damage-dealing combo. The last item can be chosen among Immortality, Rose Gold Meteor, and Corrosion Scythe depending on the situation.
Item Counters !
Heroes with high burst damage can cooperate well with his Ult.
Harith Counters
Minsitthar's Ult can perform a "Grounded" effect and counters those who are good at blink skills.
Lunox Countered by
Minsitthar is countred by heroes with high burst.