Hero Luo Yi

Luo Yi (Mage)
Hero Skill !

Luo Yi casts the energy of (Yin/Yang) in the target direction, dealing 210( +135% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to the first enemy hit and those behind them in a fan-shaped area. Enemy heroes hit are marked with a (Sigil of Yin/Yang). Luo Yi stores up to 4 (Dispersion) charges and gains 1 charge every 8s. She also immediately gains 1 charge each time (Yin-Yang Reaction) is triggered. The state of this skill changes on each cast.
Luo Yi casts Yin or Yang energy wave in a designated direction, alternating between the two opposing energy types between each cast. The energy will disperse upon hitting the first target, dealing damage to the first target and any enemies behind them in a fan shaped area. The energy wave also inflicts an Yin or Yang Mark on any enemy heroes upon contact. Luo Yi's first skill is her primary damage dealing skill. Additionally, this skill is the primary way to trigger Yin Yang Reactions.

Luo Yi summons (Fire of Yang/Aqua of Yin) at the target location, dealing 250( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies hit and slowing them by 60% for 0.5s. (Fire of Yan/Aqua of Yin) then remains at the location for 6s, dealing 50( +10% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) every 0.7s to nearby enemies. It can also trigger (Yin-Yang Reaction) with Sigils of opposite attributes. The state of this skill changes on each cast.
Luo Yi summons "Fire of Yang" or "Aqua of Yin" in a designated area which both slow down enemies, while dealing continuous damage. While active, "Yin Yang Reactions" will be triggered if an enemy with the opposite mark is nearby the area of effect. Take note! The nature of this skill alternates between every two casts.

Luo Yi creates a Teleport Circle around herself and marks the target location (within 28 units) as its destination. After a 3s delay, allied heroes (including herself) within the Circle will be teleported to the location. (Passive): Luo Yi's Cooldown Reduction is increased by 6%.
Luo Yi creates a teleportation circle around herself. She then chants for 3 seconds, which then sends any allied hero in the circle to elsewhere on the battlefield. While chanting, Luo Yi is free to move or attack.

Luo Yi's skills can create (Sigils of Yin/Yang) on the battlefield. Each Sigil lasts up to 6s. Sigils of opposite attributes will trigger (Yin-Yang Reaction) when they are within a certain distance, dealing 365 (+20*Hero Level) (+190% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to the marked enemies, stunning them for 0.3s, and pulling them toward each other. Each time Luo Yi applies a new Sigil to a marked enemy, she gains a 300 (+10*Hero Level) (+150% Total Magic Power) shield (up to 3 stacks) and 50% extra Movement Speed that decays over 2s.
As we've said many times already, Luo Yi's skills take advantage of a "Yin" and "Yang" mechanic. Whenever two enemy heroes inflicted with opposite marks come close to each other, a "Yin Yang Reaction"will be triggered, causing them to collide with each other which deals damage, while stunning them. Also, whenever a "Yin Yang Reaction" occurs, Luo Yi will gain a slight shield and movement speed boost .
Item Build !


Hero Gear !

Enchanted Talisman
Unique Passive - Mana Spring: Regenerates 15% Max Mana every 10s.

Arcane Boots

Glowing Wand
Unique Passive - Scorch: Burn targets for 3s, dealing Magic Damage equal to 1.5% of the target's Max HP per second.

Holy Crystal
Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Divine Glaive
Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.

Blood Wings
Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.
Item Counters !
Tigreal, Lolita
Valir Counters
Valir, Sun
Cecilion Countered by
Cecilion, Hayabusa