# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Kagura !



Kagura (Mage)

Durability: 40%
Offense: 90%
Ability Effects: 30%
Difficulty: 80%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Seimei Umbrella Open

Seimei Umbrella Open

Kagura sends the (Seimei Umbrella) to the target location, dealing 315( +105% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in its path and slowing them by 60% for 0.5s. The Umbrella will automatically return to Kagura when she's too far away.

It can act as an ward, throw the umbrella into a bush to reveal the location. This could reduce the chances of getting ganked.
There’s a built in slow whenever you hit, this CC annoys the hell out of your enemy. When escaping, keep throwing your umbrella towards your enemy to slow them down. This allows easier escape
To poke your enemy, it’s easier if your umbrella is out in the open, since it’s nearly unpredictable plus there’s a shorter distance to cover when compared to the umbrella flying out from you.
This ability allows you to poke people under their tower due to her insane range, remember point “2” under the passive section? Proc-ing the passive while under the the tower range allows you to take a hit from the tower, paired with the annoying range, it’s a pretty deadly combo.

Rasho Umbrella Flee

Rasho Umbrella Flee

Kagura removes all debuffs on her and leaps in the target direction, while leaving the (Seimei Umbrella) behind.

Your bread and butter skill. The skill that makes her so annoying to deal with, with the built in purify. It makes her pretty much immune to all CCs. The one skill that allows her to slip away from chasing enemies when mastered.

Yin Yang Overturn

Yin Yang Overturn

Kagura invokes the power of the (Seimei Umbrella), dealing 330( +105% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies, knocking them back, and slowing them by 60% for 0.5s.

Use this skill with your “2” after teleporting to your umbrella proc “3” to deal some damage to the enemy and knocking them back.
This skill can be use to intercept enemies that are chasing your allies, the knockback and slow gives your allies some time to escape
You can even proc “3” before you dash away to escape
Teleporting behind your enemies and proc-ing “3” when they are near your tower can knock them towards your tower.

Yin Yang Gathering

Yin Yang Gathering

Upon retrieving the (Seimei Umbrella), Kagura gains a 280( +50% Total Magic Power) shield, stuns nearby enemies for 0.5s, and slows them by 60% for 1s. Cooldown: 4.5s.

One of your most important skills, this is what makes her an insane poking machine..
Reuniting with her umbrella would trigger the passive, which gives her a mini stun and a tiny shield.
There are 3 ways in reuniting with the umbrella that could trigger her passive.
Walking out of range from the umbrella
Using “2” to teleport to the umbrella
Walking over to the umbrella.

# Build

Item Build !

Battle First
Battle Second

Kagura's damage must be prioritized. Her second skill is only teleport and escape, which can be used now once or later or maybe even not when not being grappled in the whole game. Her second skill is used once. Prioritize Seimei Umbrella Open and Yin Yang Overturn in order to maximize the damage can be dealt.
Flicker is another way to instantly teleport to a specified direction. Kagura can use Flicker in case her second skill is still on cooldown. And she can use this in various other ways.

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Clock of Destiny
Clock of Destiny


Unique Passive - Time: Gains 20 extra Max HP and 4 extra Magic Power every 20s, capped at 15 stacks.

Arcane Boots
Arcane Boots


Lightning Truncheon
Lightning Truncheon


Unique Passive - Resonate: Every 6s, the next skill that deals damage will resonate, dealing Magic Damage equal to 120% Magic Power against up to 3 enemies and increasing Movement Speed by 30% that decays over 2s.

Holy Crystal
Holy Crystal


Unique Passive - Mystery: Gains 21%-35% extra Magic Power (scales with level).

Divine Glaive
Divine Glaive


Unique Passive - Spellbreaker: When attacking an enemy, gains 0.1% extra Magic Penetration for each point of the enemy's Magic Defense, capped at 20%.

Blood Wings
Blood Wings


Unique Passive - Guard: Gains a shield equal to 200% of Magic Power. The shield will regenerate 20s after being damaged, and grants 30 Movement Speed while it lasts.

Enchanted Talisman - 20% CDR is always a plus, what’s good about this item is the 10% regen in mana, this allows a better sustain in lane once the item is purchased, the additional HP is a bonus that will go well with Blood Wings.
After getting this item, clearing of Jungle and Minions wave is so much easier due to the Unique passive.
This Item goes well with your ult too, since it creates a huge link, anyone that’s within range would get rekt by the passive.

# Counters

Item Counters !


Hayabusa is Kagura's childhood playmate, and they also make a good team. First attacker will be the assassin to slow the enemy down, then when Hayabusa casts his 3rd skill, Kagura can assist to deal damage to the enemy and end it.

Layla Counters

Kagura can deal an amount of Killing damage to Layla as she has low defense, unless Layla has balanced offense and defense gear set. Kagura can fastly kill Layla when doing her combo. But if Layla survives, she will deal large damage to Kagura and lifeste

Harley Countered by

Basically, Harley can counter Kagura because he can teleport then teleport back in his positions. Unlike Kagura that can only teleport once to her umbrella (because of the cooldown). But that does not mean Kagura cannot stand a chance against Harley. If H