# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Julian !



Julian (Fighter)

Durability: 70%
Offense: 60%
Ability Effects: 60%
Difficulty: 20%
# Skill

Hero Skill !



Julian hurls a flying scythe in the target direction, dealing 380( +140% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies along the way and slowing them by 30% for 1s. The scythe disappears upon hitting a non-minion enemy.



Julian summons a flying sword and dashes in the target direction, dealing 400( +80% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies along the way.



Julian casts chains at the target location, dealing 300( +100% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies hit after a short delay and immobilizing them for 1.2s.

Smith's Legacy

Smith's Legacy

After casting two different skills, Julian enhances his third skill. Casting the enhanced skill makes all his skills go on a 9-6s Cooldown (decreases with his level), but his Basic Attacks within the next 5s will deal 75( +100% Total Physical Attack) (+120% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) and pull the target toward him. Julian gains 15% extra Hybrid Lifesteal for 5s each time he hits an enemy hero with his skills (up to 3 stacks).

# Build

Item Build !

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Clock of Destiny
Clock of Destiny


Unique Passive - Time: Gains 20 extra Max HP and 4 extra Magic Power every 20s, capped at 15 stacks.

Magic Boots
Magic Boots


Genius Wand
Genius Wand


Unique Passive - Magic: Dealing Magic Damage to enemy heroes will reduce their Magic Defense by 3-7 (scales with level) for 2s. Stacks up to 3 times.

Brute Force Breastplate
Brute Force Breastplate


Unique Passive - Brute Force: Each second after dealing damage, gain 6 extra Physical Attack and Magic Power and 2% extra Movement Speed for 4s, up to 6 stacks. Gain 15% extra Control Duration Reduction at full stacks.

Starlium Scythe
Starlium Scythe


Unique Passive - Crisis: Within 3s after casting a skill, the caster's next Basic Attack will deal additional True Damage equal to 100 plus 100% Magic Power and briefly grant 10% Movement Speed. This effect has a 1.5s cooldown.



Unique Passive - Bless: Received Shield and HP Regen effects are increased by 30%.

# Counters

Item Counters !