# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Gloo !



Gloo (Tank)

Durability: 100%
Offense: 30%
Ability Effects: 100%
Difficulty: 70%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Slam, Slam

Slam, Slam

Gloo reaches out and slams the ground, dealing 80( +80% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to the enemy. At the final location, a (Goo) is left behind that explodes after 3s to deal 200( +8% Total HP) (Magic Damage) to nearby enemies and immobilize them for 1s. If Gloo touches the (Goo), it will explode immediately, reset the skill's CD, and heal Gloo for 3% of Max HP.

Pass, Pass

Pass, Pass

Gloo stretches forth to deal 100( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) to enemies in its path, immobilizing them for 0.5s. If this skill hits a (Goo), Gloo will charge over to it, dragging enemies in its path in the same direction for a distance.

Split, Split

Split, Split

Gloo splits into (Goos) for 10s, during which it gains 35% extra Movement Speed, recovers 1.5% Max HP per second, and deals 120( +25% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage) every 0.25s to enemies it comes into contact with. (Grab, Grab): Gloo attaches itself to the target enemy hero with max (Sticky) stacks for up to 9s, recovering 25% Max HP. For the duration, Gloo transfers 80% of the damage he receives (calculated before damage reduction; excluding damage from turrets) to its host, and its Basic Attacks deal 120( +50% Total Magic Power) (Magic Damage). (Go, Go): Gloo leaves its host early. Cooldown is lowered to 5s if the host dies while Gloo is still attached to it.

Stick, Stick

Stick, Stick

Enemies gain a stack of (Sticky) each time they're hit by Gloo's skills, decreasing their Movement Speed by 6% for 6s. Stacks up to 5. Each stack of (Sticky) on an enemy reduces their damage dealt to Gloo by 6%.

# Build

Item Build !

# Gear

Hero Gear !

Cursed Helmet
Cursed Helmet


Unique Passive - Burning Soul: Deals Magic Damage equal to 0.6% of the hero's Max HP per second to nearby enemies. This damage is increased by 140% to 350% against creeps and minions (scales with level).

Tough Boots - Dire Hit
Tough Boots - Dire Hit


Unique Passive - Passive - Dire Hit: The next attack against enemy heroes below 35% HP deals 7-18% of their Max HP as extra Hybrid Damage (half Magic and half Physical).



Unique Passive - Bless: Received Shield and HP Regen effects are increased by 30%.



Unique Passive - Immortal: Revives 2.5s after death, gaining 16% Max HP and a 220-1200 shield (scales with level) that lasts 3s (210s cooldown).

Dominance Ice
Dominance Ice


Unique Passive - Arctic Cold: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemy heroes to 70% of normal.

Guardian Helmet
Guardian Helmet


Unique Passive - Recovery: Regenerates 2.5% Max HP per second (reduced to 0.5% Max HP per second over 5s after taking damage).

# Counters

Item Counters !