# Moba Tarkam League (MTL)

Hero Aulus !



Aulus (Fighter)

Durability: 10%
Offense: 60%
Ability Effects: 60%
Difficulty: 40%
# Skill

Hero Skill !

Aulus, Charge!

Aulus, Charge!

Aulus removes all slow effects and gains 30% extra Movement Speed and 20% Damage Reduction against attacks from the front for 5s. Aulus gains 1% Damage Reduction for every 10 extra Physical Attack, up to 60%.

Allows him to move quite freely on the battlefield. Use this skill wisely, and Aulus will poke, burst, and flee with ease.

Aulus' primary damage source. Use this skill to hit as many enemies as possible, and it will provide a huge attack speed bonus and regen. In this way, Aulus' output and survivability are both greatly increased.

The Power of Axe

The Power of Axe

Aulus brandishes his axe, dealing 150( +120% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in a fan-shaped area, and enhancing up to 6 of his next Basic Attacks for 3s according to the enemies hit (3 per Hero or Creep, 1 per Minion). Enhanced Basic Attacks gain 100% extra Attack Speed and restore 50 (HP) to Aulus.

Aulus' Ultimate is a knockout blow in teamfights. It can control and hit enemies in a wide range if it's cast at the right angle.

Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit

Aulus adds a stack of (Fighting Spirit) to his axe per second for 3s after dealing damage to any enemy (up to 4 stacks). Each stack grants 3-12 extra (Physical Attack) and 1-4 (Physical Penetration) (scales with (Undying Fury) level). Aulus also gains 10% extra Movement Speed and 27-125 Basic Attack Damage at max (Fighting Spirit) stacks (scales with level).

Aulus' key skill. Focus on the duration of "Fury Spirit" and try to maintain the full stacks.

# Build

Item Build !

Battle First
Battle Second
# Gear

Hero Gear !

Endless Battle
Endless Battle


Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After casting a skill, the next Basic Attack within 3s deals 60% Physical Attack as extra True Damage (1.5s cooldown).

Warrior Boots
Warrior Boots


Unique Passive - Valor: Gain 4 extra Physical Defense for 3s when taking Physical Damage, up to 20.

Berserker's Fury
Berserker's Fury


Unique Passive - Doom: Critical strikes grant 5% extra Physical Attack for 2s.

Brute Force Breastplate
Brute Force Breastplate


Unique Passive - Brute Force: Each second after dealing damage, gain 6 extra Physical Attack and Magic Power and 2% extra Movement Speed for 4s, up to 6 stacks. Gain 15% extra Control Duration Reduction at full stacks.

Dominance Ice
Dominance Ice


Unique Passive - Arctic Cold: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemy heroes to 70% of normal.

Blade of Despair
Blade of Despair


Unique Passive - Despair: Dealing damage to non-Minion enemies below 50% HP increases Physical Attack by 25% for 2s (takes effect before the damage is dealt).

For equipment, we recommend this build to ensure the hero's damage output and durability.

# Counters

Item Counters !



Countered by
